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"Jakobas Moreno - psichodramos Dievas"


Tai filmas apie pagrindinius sociometrijos, psichodramos ir grupinės psichoterapijos tėvo gyvenimo momentus (video 6 min.), (filmas 1 val.).

"Jacob Moreno - the God of psychodrama" is a full - length, art documentary, popular science film about the most interesting, key moments in the life of the father of sociometry, psychodrama and group psychotherapy. By means of the psychodrama Moreno converts the psychotherapy from a scientific method into an art of investigation and treatment of souls.
This is intended to be the first full -- length film about this great man not only in Bulgaria, but in the world. During the realization of the project the authors were conscious of the interest and support from the closest associate of Moreno and his relatives. "Keep me in touch with the progress of your project. Good luck and a safe journey, Yours Zerka Toeman Moreno."







Zerka T. Moreno 


Interviu su Zerka T. Moreno, apie psichodramos technikas (video). Plačiau skaitykite čia.

An interview with Zerka Moreno about the instruments and tools of psychodrama including the director, the protagonist, the auxiliary ego and the stage, as well as important techniques including doubling, role reversal and surplus reality. For the full video go to...




Aurelijos Čeredejevaitės radijo pjesė „Ką aš jaučiu”


Aurelijos Čeredėjevaitės vienaveiksmės pjesė "Ką aš jaučiu" 2002 metais radiopjesių konkurse apdovanota paskatinamąja premija. Veiksmas vyksta psihodramos užsiėmime su būgnais.








TED xConejo 2012 -Jean Campbelas - Psichodrama: Balsai Kartu / TEDxConejo 2012 - Jean Campbell - Psychodrama: Voices Together 

Jean naudojo veiksmo metodus klinikoje, versle ir medicinoje nuo 1993 m. Jis dirbo psichikos sveikatos srityje daugiau nei 18 metų.

Jean has utilized action methods in clinical, business and medical settings since 1993. She has worked in the substance abuse and mental health field for more than 18 years, in a variety of clinical settings, including as Director of the Family Program at Inter-Care, Ltd. in New York City, and as Clinical Director of Clearview Treatment Programs in Los Angeles.





Suprantant ir palaidžiant pyktį (psichodramos technikos) / Understanding & Releasing Anger (Psychodrama Tecniques)


Pyktis dažnai painiojamas su prievarta.

Pyktis dažnai - nesuprastas.

Neišreikštas pyktis - kenkia.






Zerka - The First Psychodramatic Family Album 

Zerka Toeman Moreno looks at 111 pictures and makes comments that illustrate part of the first psychodramatic family's history. A spontaneous perspective of Psychodrama and its creator, by his main muse and partner.

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1 step: Connect to your internet banking and go to E-declaration;
2 step: Fill FR0512 template which you can find among document templates. Our details:
                     Lietuvos psichodramos draugija, Studentų g. 39, Vilnius, LT-08106
                     Association's code: 191970158, Association's account: LT41 7180 3000 0070 0648
3 step: Send your filled template to tax office (VMI) via internet banking.