We are inviting to registrate to Baltic Moreno Days 2024!

Finally we are starting registration to Baltic Moreno days 2024. CHANGING COLOURS OF LIFE: MORENO DAYS ’2024
Vilnius, 2024, August 23-25
FRIDAY, August 23
14.00 - 15.00 - Registration
15.00 – 16.00 - Opening
16.00 – 17.00 - Lecture (Judith Teszáry)
17.00 – 17.30 -Coffee break
17.30 – 18.30 - Large group
19.30 – Excursion Sunset in Vilnius
SATURDAY, August 24
9.00 – 9.30 - Warm-up
9.30 – 12.45 - Workshops with 20 min coffee break in the middle
12.45 – 14.30 - Lunch
14.30 – 17.45 - Workshops II with 20 min coffee break in the middle
19.00 –Party
SUNDAY, August 25
9.00 – 9.30 -Warm-up
9.30 – 12.45 - Workshops III with 20 min coffee break in the middle
13.00- 14.00 - Feedback after workshops and closure
Expected workshop leaders: Clark Baim (UK), Anika Vasadze (UK) and Maria Grechanyk (Ukraine); Connie Miller (USA); Dania Appel (Switzerland) and Manfred Jannicke (Germany); Gita Paspārne (Latvia) and Olena Stupak (Ukraine); Jolanta Baltina (Latvia); Judith Teszáry (Sweden); Kate Bradshaw Tauvon (UK/Sweeden); Küllike Lillestik and Heldo Korbe (Estonia); Marjut Partanen-Hertell (Finland); Natalia Nemkevich (Poland/Belarus); Reijo Kauppila (Finland); Rūta Januleviciene (Lithuania); Tine Sofie Stensland (Norway)
Conference program, lectors and workshop description you can find here
Directions to conference place you can find here.